Your regular dose of food for thought with #LunchnLearnwithLindsay
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In today’s #LunchNLearnWithLindsay I want to introduce myself to you so you can learn more about me.Β 

In the style of an icebreaker exercise I use in my training sessions I’m using the initial letters of my first name.Β 

Give it a go yourself!
Β  How would you introduce yourself and what words are important to you?

LΒ  = Learning
I believe there’s something to be learned from everyone you meet and every situation.Β  I’ve been a trainer, coach and Practitioner in NLP for 13 years now. I absolutely love sharing beneficial learning with clients – particularly EAs and PAs as I strive to raise the profile of this profession and help you appreciate the value you bring to your Executive and organisation.

IΒ  = Inquisitive
The foundation to all learning is to be inquisitive – ask questions!Β 

N = Networking
According to research from the Institute of Industrial Psychologists, networking accounts for 60% of your career progression.Β  The adage that it's not what you know but who you know rings true here.

I love face to face networking and feel my wings have been well and truly clipped at the moment.
Β  I’m staying connected with lots of friends, clients and colleagues online and have embraced the use of technology as you know with our full portfolio of learning and development solutions available through our Virtual Academy.Β  I still crave a London meet up when it is deemed entirely safe to do so though!Β Β 

D = Do what you love and love what you do

S = Sunshine
Having grown up in the blistering heat of Hong Kong I’m definitely solar powered!Β  I just love the recent good weather we’ve had and will be looking forward to some "costa-del-backgarden" down-time in the next few weeks!Β Β 

A = Assertiveness
This is a top ask and want of many of my EA and PA clients.Β  It's a learning topic I love to share recognising it's benefit and impact. It's also the first chapter of my award-winning book "A-Z Pearls of Wisdom for Executive PAs".

YΒ  = Yes!
Say yes when you can - alongside ensuring you maintain work boundaries of course. Also make sure you say yes to the things that renew your own energy and motivation.Β 

With my best wishes for a good week.


Founder & Director
Your Excellency Ltd

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Your Excellency Limited, The Lodge, Bath Place, Clifton, Bedfordshire SG17 5HE

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